I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
16a 250v Inyathelo le-thermostat ksd i-ksd 301 Seriout ye-thermal of the thermostal thermostat
Intshayelelo:I-KSD301 Bimestal thermostat
I-KSD301 i-Snap-Intshukumo ye-bimal thermostat luhlobo lwe-minetiture itywinwe i-thermotal thermotal (1/211). I-Pole-Pole-Pole-Play-Play kwaye isebenze phantsi komthwalo oxhaphakileyo. I-KSD301 Bimetal thermo stat isetyenziswa kakhulu kwizinto ezininzi zombane zecompact yohlobo lwe-compact yohlobo lokuseta ngokuzenzekelayo
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
I-HB-2 Bimitalic thermotalic thermotat ye-SPORMDT -PRDDT ye-SPERLDT yesixhobo sasekhaya
Intshayelelo:I-KSD301 HB-2 BB-2 BIMATAL thermostat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi: Ulawulo lobushushu
Moq: 1000pcs
Uncedo: 300,000pCCs / inyanga
I-HB-2 hbtether shist switch yobhedu i-thermostat yentsimbi
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
I-HB-2 i-Bib-2 ye-bit ye-thermal cutout yokutshintsha i-bimistallic i-thermostat
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
16A 250v KSD301 Bimetal thermotal cqc cymal cutious switch switch switch
Intshayelelo:I-KSD301 Bimestal thermostat
I-KSD301 i-Snap-Intshukumo ye-bimal thermostat luhlobo lwe-minetiture itywinwe i-thermotal thermotal (1/211). I-Pole-Pole-Pole-Play-Play kwaye isebenze phantsi komthwalo oxhaphakileyo. I-KSD301 Bimetal thermo stat isetyenziswa kakhulu kwizinto ezininzi zombane zecompact yohlobo lwe-compact yohlobo lokuseta ngokuzenzekelayo
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
I-KSD 301 i-bimatal ye-thermostal ye-thermostal ye-elektroniki ye-elektroniki thermostat switch
Intshayelelo:I-KSD301 Bimestal thermostat
I-KSD301 i-Snap-Intshukumo ye-bimal thermostat luhlobo lwe-minetiture itywinwe i-thermotal thermotal (1/211). I-Pole-Pole-Pole-Play-Play kwaye isebenze phantsi komthwalo oxhaphakileyo. I-KSD301 Bimetal thermo stat isetyenziswa kakhulu kwizinto ezininzi zombane zecompact yohlobo lwe-compact yohlobo lokuseta ngokuzenzekelayo
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
I-KSD 301 uthotho we-Bimetal ye-Birmol ye-thermol tit thermostar snap ye-snap
Intshayelelo:I-KSD301 Bimestal thermostat
I-KSD301 i-Snap-Intshukumo ye-bimal thermostat luhlobo lwe-minetiture itywinwe i-thermotal thermotal (1/211). I-Pole-Pole-Pole-Play-Play kwaye isebenze phantsi komthwalo oxhaphakileyo. I-KSD301 Bimetal thermo stat isetyenziswa kakhulu kwizinto ezininzi zombane zecompact yohlobo lwe-compact yohlobo lokuseta ngokuzenzekelayo
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga
I-HB-2 hanbec Bimimballic discortic thermostat snap snaut amacandelo ombane
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi: Ulawulo lobushushu
Moq: 1000pcs
Uncedo: 300,000pCCs / inyanga
I-disc thermostat yokutshintsha i-HB2 BIMEETAL STROST ROLMERT I-Thermost Traller
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi: Ulawulo lobushushu
Moq: 1000pcs
Uncedo: 300,000pCCs / inyanga
Uhlobo lwe-Bimetal uhlobo lokufudumeza i-thermostat ye-bimistallic thermostat ye-thermostat
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi: Ulawulo lobushushu
Moq: 1000pcs
Uncedo: 300,000pCCs / inyanga
I-125V 15a Bimetal thermotal ye-Autot Recress Conssustrast I-TORSASMASTE
Intshayelelo:I-HB2 Bimestal thermotat
Le ntshukumo ye-Snap isetyenziselwa ukuthintela umlilo kunye nomonakalo obangelwe kukugxeka kwisekethe yombane kunye ne-elektroniki.
I-termitional and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal. Unxibelelwano olufihlakeleyo locingo kunye nohlobo lwe-bracket olukhoyo.
Umsebenzi:Ulawulo lobushushu
Umthamo woncedo:I-300,000PCC / inyanga